Sunday, 5 August 2012

new blog

Now welcome to my blog about msp here u will find news at any time about anything moviestarplanet enjoy the advice news and level u and ur friends have acomplished. To become my friend just log on to msp and become friends with Elizabeth1406 comment any new news about msp.



  1. Hi i love msp im wondering if you can tell me how to get a boy friend cand u please do that on ur rnext post

    1. First of all, friend a guy you think is cute and you think is easy to get along with. Then start chatting through private chat and get to know eachother like fave colors and fave animal. * No personal info though like adress and name. Then if he doesn't make a move, after a while of knowing him, knowing that hes a nice guy and trustworthy ask: " do you maybe sometime wanna go on a date? Thats how i got my bf although we broke up a few weeks ago. He said he wasnt ready for a relationship. Anyway, follow those rules and you should be able to get a bf. add me! im BlackandyellowxD<3. Im lvl four vip.
